Week 49 - Just Breathe: Relaxing by the Christmas FireIn complete contrast to "Just Breathe", this photo was taken at the end of a crazy day digging a trench and replacing electric wiring.
After all was done, I needed to relax... oh, and take this weeks photo. So, relaxing by the fire in the evening is my inspiration. Added bonus (or distraction) is the Christmas lights reflecting off the fireplace glass.
After all was done, I needed to relax... oh, and take this weeks photo. So, relaxing by the fire in the evening is my inspiration. Added bonus (or distraction) is the Christmas lights reflecting off the fireplace glass.

Sleeping by the SoundWeek 44: Inspired By a Famous Photographer
I went "EC" path and had the photographer picked - Alec Soth.
Alec Soth is an interesting one to try and nail down. At first glance, there seems to be no rhyme or reason, but on closer inspection, he's searching for an over-arching story in a project (such as "Sleeping by the Mississippi". With that in mind, I had to think, what would be my project if I was to do one? Well I've done a number of photos of Kingston.
I went "EC" path and had the photographer picked - Alec Soth.
Alec Soth is an interesting one to try and nail down. At first glance, there seems to be no rhyme or reason, but on closer inspection, he's searching for an over-arching story in a project (such as "Sleeping by the Mississippi". With that in mind, I had to think, what would be my project if I was to do one? Well I've done a number of photos of Kingston.

Toy Dirt MoverWeek 40: Dappled Light
I was really struggling to figure out an example - and was just not feeling it. As we got to crunch time, I'm camping with a friend and watching his grandchildren playing. Nearby was some desert plants shading some dappled light, and nearby was this toy ... and this photo was born.
I was really struggling to figure out an example - and was just not feeling it. As we got to crunch time, I'm camping with a friend and watching his grandchildren playing. Nearby was some desert plants shading some dappled light, and nearby was this toy ... and this photo was born.

A Sunday in KingstonWeek 39: Red
A constant local complaint is how the ferries are not able to keep up with the traffic, which is seen at times as very long delays and heavy traffic through a small town. I decided to use this weeks theme of "Red" to capture the traffic as it winds its way through the streets to the ferry terminal.
A constant local complaint is how the ferries are not able to keep up with the traffic, which is seen at times as very long delays and heavy traffic through a small town. I decided to use this weeks theme of "Red" to capture the traffic as it winds its way through the streets to the ferry terminal.

Flower FrogWeek 38: Wabi Sabi
A flower frog is a type of floral mechanic, or an apparatus or technique used to construct floral arrangements and keep flowers in place. Flower frogs sit inside the floral container in the water and are traditionally known for their use in ikebana, the Japanese art of floral design.
A flower frog is a type of floral mechanic, or an apparatus or technique used to construct floral arrangements and keep flowers in place. Flower frogs sit inside the floral container in the water and are traditionally known for their use in ikebana, the Japanese art of floral design.

Black & White Minimalism: How well do you recognize a face?A few weeks ago, I learned a new word - Prosopagnosia - which may explain a condition I have dealt with through my life - unable to recollect faces, and a tendency to use other features to recognize people. With this weeks challenge, I wanted to stretch out of my comfort zone and try a concept I have seen for a minimalist portrait.

Abstract: City Crowd AnxietyMy first try at abstract photography per this weeks prompt. Growing up, big cities always made me anxious, as do crowds. Crowds in cities is even worse. In later years, I can deal with big cities much better, but would rather live outside of a city. I tried a few ideas this week, and settled on this as representative of that anxiety.

Reflection: Summers Night at the Fuel DockThis week the photo needs to use a reflection. What a beautiful night, July 3rd Buck Moon (First supermoon). Water was calm and peaceful, and a beautiful reflection in the water. The long 30s exposure smoothed this out even further. The night had natural yellow glow, and just made for a stunning picture (in my biased opinion).

Morning Routine: Bible StudyThis week is about depicting a part of my morning routine. Our daily morning routine has changed over the years. On a typical day, I make coffee, and my wife and I sit down together to do a daily study out of "Table Talk". Now, to be fair, we do this on our sofa, but that is the inspiration for this photo.
Note some elements here... 1/ follow the arms, and you see a heart, with our rings clearly visible, as we see this as an important part of our marriage. 2/ Our heads are intentionally cropped, and the bible is center of focus, because the focus is on God, not us.
Note some elements here... 1/ follow the arms, and you see a heart, with our rings clearly visible, as we see this as an important part of our marriage. 2/ Our heads are intentionally cropped, and the bible is center of focus, because the focus is on God, not us.

Leading Lines: Dinner after a long journeyWhen waters are rough and you arrive at port, there is still a trek to get to the restaurant.
I was in Port Townsend - Point Hudson this weekend on my boat, and wasn't really feeling like any of my photos struck the goal of drawing the eye to the subject like I had hoped. This is the best of my collection, and happened to take this photo wide (24mm) making the bridge look longer then it was. I think it conveys that last part of a boating journey for a hungry traveler. If you find yourself in Point Hudson, check out "Doc's Marina Grill."
I was in Port Townsend - Point Hudson this weekend on my boat, and wasn't really feeling like any of my photos struck the goal of drawing the eye to the subject like I had hoped. This is the best of my collection, and happened to take this photo wide (24mm) making the bridge look longer then it was. I think it conveys that last part of a boating journey for a hungry traveler. If you find yourself in Point Hudson, check out "Doc's Marina Grill."

Inspired by a framer: Time for Coffee (Again)Inspired by Elizabeth Waters "Time for Coffee" https://52frames.com/photographer/1783/photo/639383
When I saw this photo by Elizabeth last month, I immediately had in mind that this was a concept I wanted to try myself. In particular how Elizabeth used every day items such as coffee beans to create such an effective photo.
When I saw this photo by Elizabeth last month, I immediately had in mind that this was a concept I wanted to try myself. In particular how Elizabeth used every day items such as coffee beans to create such an effective photo.

Negative Space: MV TacomaMy concept this week, to make use of Negative Space, was to convey the vastness and emptiness of Puget Sound. I was planning to do this through a drone shot, but unfortunately the weather changed. Still, the weather along with color grading helps convey a grayness of Seattle, while using negative space and leading lines to draw attention to the ferry.

Details: Crossing the barWhen I think of details, a few different options comes to mind. For example, that detail of the individual hair in a macro photo, or, that rose floating in the water. In the latter case, you beg the question "why?". On May 13th, during Kingston Opening Day, there was a moment to celebrate the "Crossing the bar" of Tom, a very well respected gentleman who passed away in February. This shows only a sampling of many boats that laid a rose in the water to remember this gentleman that day.

One light source: NoelleThis week I roped my wife (Noelle) into posing for me. I tried to do some standard single-light positions, but in the end, decided to go with this. Noelle doesn't like posing as, in her words, she's struggling with the aging process. Personally I think she looks beautiful, what do you say?

Tell me lies tell me sweet little liesTheme is a line from a song. While the song Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac has to do with a relationship, I don't think the relationship with a bathroom scale is what the writer had in mind. Even so, this is a song my wife loves singing as she gets on the scale each morning, as it is calculating weight, her last line is "tell me sweet little lies". The idea was my wife's, who also helped with the composition.

Big World, Big Coffee, Big Day AheadPrompt this week is "Chair". It's a big world out there. The day must start with a big cup of coffee.
I live in Kingston Washington, and anyone visiting Kingston will be familiar with the oversized chairs that are just about everywhere. It was a slam-dunk to incorporate one of these chairs somehow. The original story was going to be "visitor taking a selfie" but then my wife discovered these oversized coffee mugs.
I live in Kingston Washington, and anyone visiting Kingston will be familiar with the oversized chairs that are just about everywhere. It was a slam-dunk to incorporate one of these chairs somehow. The original story was going to be "visitor taking a selfie" but then my wife discovered these oversized coffee mugs.

Blur the Action: Kingston FerryThe prompt was to show action through camera blur. This picture conveys a ferry crossing the water to arrive at a dock.
This photo is actually a composition of 45 individual photos, each with 4s exposure, taken one after another. Most of the photos were merged together in Photoshop. The "final" photo (actually first photo as ferry was really departing) was applied with a gradient filter to bring clarity to the dock and provide greater emphasis. The foreground grass was a happy accident.
This photo is actually a composition of 45 individual photos, each with 4s exposure, taken one after another. Most of the photos were merged together in Photoshop. The "final" photo (actually first photo as ferry was really departing) was applied with a gradient filter to bring clarity to the dock and provide greater emphasis. The foreground grass was a happy accident.